Ski resorts in Canton Ticino

Ski resorts in Canton Ticino
Ski resorts in Canton Ticino: description and telephone numbers
The Italian-speaking Switzerland is famous, especially after the Alps, to be an outpost of the Mediterranean Sea with its lakes, mild climate and plenty of sunshine (at least compared to the average northern European countries) but yet … there are also ski resorts here! They are relatively small but well-kept, never crowded, comfortable even for those arriving from Milan and other Italian cities.
- Airolo 30 km of cross-country skiing, snowshoe trails 3 for a total of 8 km, a snowpark for the more daring. Lovers of winter here find their ideal habitat. Info: +41 (0)91 873 80 50.
- Bosco Gurin 30 km of pistes for Alpine skiing, 2 chairlifts 2, 3 ski lift / 30 km of slopes / 4 mile track skids / snow park / skating rink
Babylift (treadmill) /Kid’s village Info: +41 (0)848 66 85 85. - Campra Cross-country skiing (skating) 20 km, cross-country skiing (classic) 20 km, ice rink, bobsleigh track Centro Sci Nordico Campra
tel: +41 91 872 22 78 - Carì 20 km of slopes for alpine skiing, 3km toboggan run, 2 chairlifts, 1 belt, 1 pony lift Info: +41 91 866 18 80
- Nara 30 km cross-country skiing, 5 km trail sleds, 2 chairlifts Infoneve: +41 91 871 18 28
- Cardada Cimetta Slopes are ideal for beginners, 3 routes for snowshoeing Info: Cardada Impianti Turistici SA +41 (0)91 735 30 30
- Prato Leventina 5 km cross-country skiing, pony lift, 2 km cross-country skiing Tel. buvette 091 867 12 82
- Bedea Novaggio It is just 625 m altitude reason does not always guarantee the optimal snowmaking. Suitable especially for children. Sciovia Bedea-NovaggioSci Club Monte Lema
Telefono: +41 91 606 56 92 (quando la sciovia non è aperta è in funzione il disco) - San Bernardino It is located in the Grisons in less than half an hour from Ticino: Snowpark with Jump, Boardercross and Slides. 40 km of slopes for alpine skiing and 33 for Nordic skiing. Skating rink and bobsleigh track. Ente Turistico Regionale del MoesanoTel. +41 (0)91 832 12 14